28 November 2010

Happy (belated) Thanksgiving!

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday because I know I did! It was great to catch up with both my and H.M.'s families and get a whole 4 days to relax. Before we get back into the daily grind groove, here is a recap of my holiday weekend:

 On Wednesday night, H.M. and I hung out with old friends in their new apartment in Midtown instead of going to the bars. This also gave us the chance to get a sneak peek of the Detroit Thanksgiving Day Parade floats that we lined up along Woodward. I could hardly sleep with the anticipation of going to the parade in the morning!

This year, H.M. and I went with our friends Kenny, Amy and Eric. The parade was great and I got to watch the cow jump over the moon and a bunch of other beloved floats, bands, teams and balloons...and of course, Santa! While I didn't get a picture in front of Santa like last year, Amy and I did get blasted with streamers from the Detroit News' float!

 (Shhhhh I threw on whatever I could find to stay warm...I wore my 30 for 30 gear to dinner, no worries!)

Thank you, Kenny, for immortalizing our streamer fun!

Thank you to my sister, Holly, for taking this in her (and Jillian's) wacky watermelon room! I decided not to wear shoes that day because, hey, I'm at home! I was hardcore enough to at least wear my ballet flats in the car and into the house just for the sake of preserving my tights! According to some of my family, I looked like one sassy pilgrim...

Another big thank you to my other sister, Jillian, for taking this picture on my parents from porch. In her PJ's. What a trooper! This is also me without make-up or a hair dryer. I come from a family or curls and all I got was a kink! Oh well, I was too excited to head from Fowlerville with my family to Oscoda for H.M.'s family and Part II of Thanksgiving.

Of course, a BIG thank you to Nick, H.M.'s little (andisweartogodidentical) brother, for taking a picture with me near the train tracks. On the way back, he collected quite a few pieces of gypsum and rail ties...no worries, the ties were off to the side already!

Phew! Home again! Time to unpack and try to relax before Manic Monday! I missed my baby kitteh, Adelaide, and she has been talking up a storm since we got home (and as I type this). Looks like I'll call it a night!


  1. Your blog is nice to read for so many reasons. You have style and you have a great attitude. But, I also love reading about positive things in Detroit. It is so nice to see people out and about enjoying that city.

    The Auspicious Life

  2. Thank you for the kind words, Linda! :o)

  3. your boots need to come home with me. OR i need to get my booty thrifting and find me some!! great remixing:)

  4. I love these boots - there were definitely a steal from Target! Good luck on your "Quest for Booty!"
